How to Boost Web Conversions

Generating inbound leads is an important role of any corporate website, and the most meaningful metric is the number of web conversions. The effective leveraging of your website to feed your sales funnel can yield numerous benefits. You will need to spend less time cold-calling. You will get more information about your leads. Furthermore, your leads will certainly be of a higher quality than leads generated through cold-calling and potentially far more valuable. All of this together entails a more sustainable sales growth over time. So what can you do to boost your web conversions?

Defining conversions is key

The first trick is elementary. Define what a conversion means for your company. To many, a conversion is an online form submission expressing interest in your services. This, according to Google, is a macro-conversion. On the other hand, to others, simply visiting a specific page constitutes conversion. Google dubs this a micro-conversion. The reason for this disparity lies in the difference between certain CRM and marketing automation programs. (Pardot doesn’t work the same as Marketo, and so on.) Learn more about what is most appropriate for your company and leverage this knowledge.

Make it easy

It’s unbearably common that web forms are hard to use. If you aren’t getting any web macro-conversions, chances are your form UX is poor. Any time you make the investment to create an awesome new web page or form, take the time to test it properly. Log out of your manager profile, and use incognito browsing so that you see the page just as a new visitor to your site would.

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Optimize your site for mobile

As much as 58% of web traffic comes from mobile browsers. Of course, your web traffic may be more or less than this, but with so much web traffic happening on mobile devices, chances are that you get a few very interested potential clients looking at your site on mobile. If your site is not optimized for mobile, your user experience will cause you a loss of conversions. Be sure that your website is clear and easy to use on a mobile browser, and confirm that all of your online conversions are functional and easy to use on a variety of mobile platforms.

Engage your visitors

Sparking the interest of your web visitors is essential to leading them to your web conversions. Some types of web content, like video and rich photography, serve to help capture your visitor’s attention, and give you the opportunity to convey your message. An interested, intrigued, and engaged web visitor is the one who is most likely to fill out a contact form. It may be that you have all of the content that you need, and it’s just a matter of strategically positioning it on your website. There are a variety of philosophies on how best to engage web visitors, but key tenets include leveraging media-rich content, providing useful and coherent information, and ensuring that all aspects of the page serve to capture and keep the visitor’s attention.

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Provide some value

It’s important to provide enough information to intrigue your visitors, but not so much that they don’t see any need in filling out a contact form or visiting a different page. Depending on your company, industry, and target market, this may mean avoiding posting key details on the publicly available page. If it is appropriate, requiring your visitors to provide contact information before giving them key measurements, prices, and other important details can help drive more visitors to complete web conversions. This in turn drives up the value that you derive from your website and the content that is posted there.

What other tips do you have on boosting web conversions? Let us know in the comments below!


Published: September 2016

Revised: June 2019

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