What Type of Photo Content is Best for Sharing?

What Type of Photo Content is Best for Sharing?

To Share or Not to Share? That is the Question. Clichés aside, it isn’t always clear when your photo content is worth sharing. Furthermore, many …
VR 101: What is it and Why is it Important?

VR 101: What is it and Why is it Important?

Attention marketers, we’re here to help! In today’s ever-changing digital environment, marketers and advertisers are hard pressed to stay on top of the “latest trends.” …
Video Marketing is the New Black

Video Marketing is the New Black

Video Marketing is the New Black Today, video is everywhere. Why? Because it looks good on everyone.  Websites, television, and social media platforms use video marketing …
Photoshop Caricatures: Anatomy of a Sparkmas Card

Photoshop Caricatures: Anatomy of a Sparkmas Card

Photoshop Caricatures: The Anatomy of a Sparkmas Card The holidays are a fantastic time around the Sparksight office. The stockings are hung outside the office …
4 Great Social Media Automation Tools for Busy Marketers

4 Great Social Media Automation Tools for Busy Marketers

Social Media Automation One of the newest weapons in the arsenal of an online marketer is the social media marketing automation service. Used properly, the …
Why You’re Not Getting Social Media Traffic

Why You’re Not Getting Social Media Traffic

Social media is one of the most effective tools for generating awareness and growing a business. These free channels of communication are available for anyone …
5 Tips to Raise Your Millennial Retention Rate

5 Tips to Raise Your Millennial Retention Rate

Retention rate is an important statistic for marketers. The retention rate of a company is the percentage of customers that you keep relative to the …
Hiring Students From the Top of the Class

Hiring Students From the Top of the Class

Hiring Students From the Top of the Class Many good startup companies rely on the powerful combination of experienced wisdom and youthful energy from their …
Pick the Best Social Media Management Tool

Pick the Best Social Media Management Tool

Want the Best Social Media Management Tool? Here’s How to Choose Social media is fertile ground to engage potential customers and clients and solidify your brand. …
How to Develop the Perfect Blog Voice

How to Develop the Perfect Blog Voice

All writing has a voice. Be it the dry, cynical wit of Jane Austen or the elaborate, highly academic voice of Charles Dickens, any good …