chooseyourownsparksightadventure-bookcoverWith video marketing content, the name of the game is viewer retention: how do you keep them watching for as long as possible (and get them to the call-to-action). It’s no secret that it can be challenging to watch a video without getting distracted, in large part because of the popularity of shorter media forms that enable our dwindling online attention spans (Yes, Vine, I’m looking at you).

We are always looking for unique ways to engage more viewers, and the interactive video technology from is officially going in our arsenal. With their browser-based software, Treehouse, you can create interactive, choose-your-own-adventure style videos that not only keep viewers hooked until the end but also compel them to re-watch and make different choices.

Imagine a marketing video that people want to re-engage with after they’ve seen the call-to-action! We believe this could be an awesome platform for creating a unique video experience with highly active viewer engagement.

The videos can be embedded just as a file from Vimeo or YouTube, and shared on social seamlessly (viewers can engage the video within their feeds, so you don’t lose any viewers from sheer laziness). And you get a (simple, but helpful) insight dashboard to see how active viewers have been. Currently, you can’t get the same experience on a mobile device without downloading their app, which is a bummer… but the desktop/laptop experience is top-notch!

Drew Wolber and I wanted to do a quick test of the process, so we grabbed a camera and shot some rough footage around the office that aims to recreate the experience of being an intern at Sparksight. It barely scratches the surface as to what can be done with this platform. So click around, and see if you can go from intern to employee!


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